Security for your customers and your business

Gestión de Vulnerabilidad, PCI DSS


Vulnerability management

Before that cyber-criminals access, and modify or destroy sensitive information will always be better to solve in a proactive way security issues are URGENT.

Vulnerability management is a continuous process IT consistent in the identification, assessment, and correction of vulnerabilities in information systems and applications in an organization.

Beyond the assessment of the vulnerabilities, categorizes the assets and classifies the vulnerabilities according to the level of risk by protecting IT infrastructures fundamental in front of security flaws

A vulnerability management program contributes to the implementation of industry standards, such as ISO 27001.

En establecimientos que gestionen datos de tarjetas de crédito, las normas del sector de las tarjetas de pago (PCI) requieren el desarrollo y mantenimiento de sistemas y aplicaciones seguras como parte del programa de gestión de vulnerabilidades.


Penetration testing

With experience of more than 10 years of performing exercises test intrusion transaction environment, we identify the security flaws before hackers do.

We have staff with experience in performing a test of intrusion that comply with the requirements of PCI standards.


  • Phase I: Tests of collection of information
  • Phase II: Evidence of analysis of vulnerabilities
  • Phase III: Penetration testing (PenTest)
  • Phase IV: Technical Report
  • Phase V: Re-test (Phase II)
  • Phase VI: Technical report / executive
corrección de vulnerabilidades
Cumplimiento PCI DSS

Social Engineering

It is a set of techniques that cybercriminals use to trick unsuspecting users to send confidential data, infecting their computers with malware or open links to infected sites.

Scan for vulnerabilities PCI compliance

In partnership with the company Qualys (ASV)we provide the service for the assessment of vulnerabilities with the most complete and up-to-date knowledge base of vulnerabilities of the industry.

Qualys it is a certified supplier as ASV (Approved Scanning Vendor) by the PCI SSC.

WAS: Web Application Scanning, discovery of the structure of the web site, identifies vulnerabilities of web applications based on OWASP10 (SQL injection, XSS etc) identification of confidential information exposed to the public through the website.

Además, nuestro servicio incluye un análisis detallado y continuo de las vulnerabilidades emergentes, proporcionando informes exhaustivos que permiten a su equipo de TI tomar decisiones informadas y rápidas para mitigar los riesgos. Utilizamos la tecnología avanzada de Qualys para garantizar que todos los escaneos cumplan con los estándares más rigurosos del PCI DSS, asegurando que su infraestructura esté siempre protegida contra las amenazas más recientes y sofisticadas. Con nuestro enfoque proactivo, no solo identificamos vulnerabilidades existentes, sino que también ayudamos a prevenir posibles brechas de seguridad antes de que ocurran.

Scan vulnerability infrastructure

The scanning of security vulnerabilities is something that you should perform regularly to ensure that the information and applications to remain safe.

A vulnerability scanning is an automated process that scans the elements of a network, application or device to find security flaws.

VM: Vulnerability Management, vulnerability scanning, reporting, scheduled, ticket system, inventory application, inventory of ports and services.

POLICY COMPLIANCE: Allows you to perform automatically the scan policy configuration of system components such as operating systems, safety equipment and edge of network, etc., The tool has templates for compliance with regulations such as ISO, COBIT, PCI DSS,.

INVENTORY OF CERTIFICATES: It allows to take the control of digital certificates by performing the inventory, maturity and technical features. It is a free of cost service for the certificates that are exposed to the internet.

Scan de vulnerabilidad, infraestructura
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